Be Happier

Be Happier

Most of us want to be happier but we often forget that happiness is a choice. It’s about how you choose to view your life and the things that happen to you.

When it comes to positive emotions like happiness and love, there’s often an assumption that they should just happen to us. But it’s up to you to make choices to trigger feelings of happiness, joy and love.

Every emotion that you feel, whether it’s positive or negative, has a trigger. Most people intuitively know and accept the triggers for negative emotions – you feel sad when your best friend moves away or you might feel fear about having to speak in public.

So to be happier you need to activate the triggers that make you feel love, joy and happiness. I’ve curated a selection of blog posts with tips to inspire you to bring more happiness into your life.

  • holidays suck

What To Do When The Holidays Suck

It’s the most wonderful time of year…or is it? The truth is, for a lot of people the holidays suck. The holiday season is one of the hardest times of the year for many of [...]

  • winter blues

5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Have you been hit by the winter blues? The fun of the holidays are a distant memory, and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter. These days it’s just cold, [...]

  • holiday blues

How to Beat the Holiday Blues

The holiday season is in full swing. Anything that can hold a strand of lights is lit up. Christmas tunes are playing in the elevators. And your inbox is full of emails from retailers reminding [...]

  • happiness is a choice

Happiness is a Choice

I often tell my patients that happiness is a choice—it doesn’t just happen to some people and not happen to others. Then I tell them about the difference between people who are happy and people [...]