Improve Your Relationships
If you want to know how to improve your relationships you’re not alone. The best predictor of overall happiness in life is the quality of your relationships. So it’s time to take stock of the people in your life, and decide which relationships you cherish and which need to go (toxic relationships equal toxic life).
All relationships take work – whether it’s with a friend, partner, co-worker, or family member. And no where else in life do emotions get more triggered than in your relationships with other people. If you cannot regulate your emotions, you cannot have positive relationships.
It’s key to be aware of the dynamics that are developing in any relationship. Then you’re able to correct them when you go off course—and we all go off course at some point. When you’re truly aware of what you’re feeling, you can choose to respond in a wise mind way that’s relationship building, not relationship damaging.
I’ve curated a selection of blog posts with tips and strategies on how to mend and create healthy relationships in your life.

4 Skills That Will Deepen Your Relationship
I bet you can relate to wanting to know what relationship skills will help fix a relationship or keep it healthy. You're not alone: Relationship issues are one of the most common topics that bring [...]
3 Essential Tips to Improve Your Relationship
Relationships are complicated and can cause emotional stress—to be successful they take work. Here are three simple strategies I teach all of the couples I work with that you can use to improve your relationship [...]
What’s Love Got to Do With It? 5 Tips to Reconnect, Repair and Recommit to Your Most Important Relationships
Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day shows up like clockwork every February 14th, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. What you can change is your attitude about this holiday.